Tired But Thankful

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I have just started working last week in my very first job here in the US and I am tired. It's quite funny how my body has easily forgotten how it is to work at least five days a week. When I was in the Philippines, I used to work at least eight hours a day, six days a week (sometimes seven)  and I didn't seem to get this tired. Oh well, I think it's just me getting older and my body adjusting to the stress again after almost a year of being in a dormant state. In any case, I am very grateful to God for this provision and to my family for all the help and support.

Anyway, this new activity in my life is the reason why I haven't dabbled in any kitchen experiments for quite a while now; hence, the inactivity of my Project Cook and Tell (PCAT). However, I believe that I would be able to post more recipes as soon as I get used to my new schedule.


Anonymous said...

That and the fact that your loving hubby is cooking for you...