Our Discovery Diary (ODD)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

As we were on our way home from work last Friday, Steve suddenly said, "I just realized that at this time of the year last year, we were in the Philippines." I turned to him and asked him what date it is and he said that it's the 23rd of April. And all I was able to say was "Oh, yeah." In my excitement about my new job, I didn't notice that we are actually just counting weeks before our first wedding anniversary. Yay!

Since Steve and I have been planning a very nice "vacation" for our celebration, I just thought that posting about the "vacations" we've had since we got married would be a good addition to my blog. And so, I am now introducing Our Discovery Diary (or ODD for short) wherein I will yak about the places we went to and the things that we discovered together.

Hopefully, I could encourage you to go visit these places sometimes.