Catching Up... Again!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It has been a while now since my last post. At that time, I was just beginning a new life with my hubby bebe bear. Now, our 1st wedding anniversary is sneaking up on us. Cliched as it may sound but I cannot believe how time flies.

Our first year is not unlike many starter couples' because it is definitely a period of honeymoon. We have regular datenights and we celebrated our monthversary (monthsary for me) religiously. We went on camping adventures, cooking experiments, tea samplings and kitchen stuff shopping. It is indeed a relaxing state for most part.

Like any new married couple, we had our petty quarrels. Although, I would have to say that most of those incidents are caused by me not knowing how to communicate how I feel leading to a misunderstanding. But I would have to state that it is not the language barrier that led to that "tampuhan" it is just my "learned" ability to clam up when I should be talking to him about certain situations. You see, Steve is my first and only boyfriend and so I have yet to realize that men cannot read their women's minds. Nevertheless, these incidents (or the things that happen after) are fun.

The only time we were not enjoying ourselves are those times when we had to deal with immigration hooplas. I, being a foreigner in the proverbial land of milk and honey, have to prove that I did not marry my hubby just for the green card (the permanent resident status card). Admittedly, it is relatively easy for him and me to prove the bonafides of our marriage. It is the bureaucracy that is hard to deal with. Just imagine the money, effort and time that we have to put into the convoluted process of adjusting my immigration status. Add to that my craziness because of being stuck at home without a job. And you will get (my) minor meltdowns which, fortunately, my hubby knows how to handle and quell.

Yes, it has been an eventful year for us - one that would forever be etched in our minds (another cliche... lol!). And looking at the whole picture, I could say that our first year of marriage has been a bliss.